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Controlling GPIOs with python

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:26 pm
by ansh
EDIT: Works correctly now with no change in code. :D

I am trying to follow the tutorials to control GPIO pins through python. The tutorial to control the slow analog I/Os, function generator and oscilloscope have worked correctly and I was able to make changes to the code to use it in other ways.

The GPIOs do not seem to be responding correctly when I use the following code.

############### - start code

from redpitaya.overlay.mercury import mercury as FPGA
overlay = FPGA()
GPIO = FPGA.gpio

gpio_o = GPIO('n', 7, "out")

gpio_i = GPIO('n', 7, "in")

############## - end code

The output for this code is ' True ' Even though I am writing False to that pin. I measure the voltage on the pin w.r.t ground using a multimeter and see no read 0V no matter what I write to the pin.

Am I making a programming mistake here, or could it be that the board is faulty?
