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Continuous mid sample rate transient recording

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:15 pm
by Casandro
The ability to just pipe AD values to the Ethernet port would open up a whole new range of possibilities. You could for example record complex signals to look at them at a later time. This would make it a valuable tool for digitizing old takes.
For example if you could continuously record with 20 MHz until the harddisk on your computer is full, you could digitize the signal right off the heads of your video recorder, enabling you to get the highest possible quality and allowing you to use much better dropout compensation.

In fact such a feature could potentially re-invent the oscilloscope. No longer would there be a need to trigger. You could simply get the whole signal and then later look at it and try to find out what's up with it. Computers get faster and faster and they get more and more RAM. Even a modest home computer with just 16 gigabytes of RAM can easily hold 10 minutes at 20 Msps, and as mentioned before many tasks can be performed off line one your data is on disk.

BTW, the USRP 1 can do this, but it's hindered by it's USB interface so it peaks at about 6 Msps.