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Fault Detection by Comparison with Stored Signatures

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:33 pm
by xcoder
Hello all
sorry for ma bad english
i have a idea not realy a new thing but its kinda nice

ok here we go i was searching on internet for new stuff and i found this and its a simple spectrurm analyzer and oscilloscope but its hase a feature wich is nice
it hase a fault comparaison !!!
here is senario you have like 20 boards and they are the same and u have one u just fixed !!! now 19 left it will take you much time to do find a error on them all so you take the good one take mesurements and record them on the app and you wanna do comparaison you call the memory and there you , you have ref to go to when ur stuck !!!!

here is the equipement on action
so its simple component tester but it records :) and do comparaison :)
and by the way i dont have this or the redpitaya i can afford one :( so im just helping :)

Re: Fault Detection by Comparison with Stored Signatures

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:45 am
by redpitaya

Great device. We will think about it.

Thanks for your suggestion.
