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How to select output channel

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:58 pm
by emyemy
I noticed that in Github FPGA codes, ODDR is used to generate the channel selecting signal. But I don't really get how D1 and D2 determines which channel is set as the output.
ODDR i_dac_sel ( .Q(dac_sel_o), .D1(1'b1), .D2(1'b0), .C(dac_clk ), .CE(1'b1), .R(dac_rst), .S(1'b0) );
Does anyone know about it? If I want to choose CHA as output, how should I set the ODDR here? How does output CHA and CHB relate to the dac_dat_o and dac_sel_o??

Re: How to select output channel

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:53 am
by Crt Valentincic
I would suggest that you take a look at DAC1401D125HL datasheet.