Problems in sampling high frequencies

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Problems in sampling high frequencies

Post by Sasso » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:31 pm

Dear Pitayans,

I' m a newbie and I' m working on this simple project: my aim is to generate an arbitrary function with RP and sample it with RP as well, using SCPI commands in Matlab. I checked the example projects that I found in the RP website, and I' m able to sample the waveform in burst mode with a frequency up to 10K and decimation factor set to 64.


But, when it comes to use an higher freq, I can see the sampled waveform distorted. I think it's because of the decimation, which (correct me if i'm wrong) decreases the sampling rate by dividing it for a factor of 64, so with high frequencies I encounter aliasing. But, even setting DEC=1, I encounter some troubles I cannot explain to myself. For instance, trying to sample 1MHz, I have a double number of burst cycles (4 instead of 2) and a little decreasing envelope at the end of it.


If I try to sample 10MHz, I get this unknown bad thing:


I would like to make this project work for the wide range of frequencies this board can generate, so I would like to know from you what's missing in my code. I think i have misunderstood how the decimation factor operates, so I hope some of you can light up my mind!

Here's the code, slightly modified from a RP example:

Code: Select all

clear all
close all

IP= '';           % Input IP of your Red Pitaya...
port = 5000;
tcpipObj=tcpip(IP, port);
tcpipObj.InputBufferSize = 16384*64;  % do le impostazioni di dimensione buffer al red pitaya
tcpipObj.OutputBufferSize = 16384*64; % in ingresso ed in uscita

%% Open connection with your Red Pitaya

%for i=1:2

tcpipObj.Terminator = 'CR/LF';

%% Calcualte arbitrary waveform with 16384 samples
% Values of arbitrary waveform must be in range from -1 to 1!!!!

plot(t,x)       %viene plottata qui, non in acquisizione!
grid on

%% Convert waveforms to string with 5 decimal places accuracy

waveform_ch_1_0 =num2str(x,'%1.5f,');

% latest are empty spaces  ?,?.
waveform_ch_1 =waveform_ch_1_0(1,1:length(waveform_ch_1_0)-3);

%% The example generate sine bursts every 0.5 seconds indefinitely


fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FUNC ARBITRARY');
fprintf(tcpipObj,['SOUR1:TRAC:DATA:DATA ' waveform_ch_1])  % Send waveforms to Red Pitya

fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:VOLT 1');         
fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:FREQ:FIX 10000000'); 

fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:STAT ON');    % Set burst mode to ON
fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 2');       % Set 1 pulses of sine wave

fprintf(tcpipObj,'OUTPUT1:STATE ON');         % Set output to ON

%% Set Acquire

fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:DEC 1');   % decimation factor 
fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:LEV 0'); % trig level 
fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG:DLY 8192'); % delay   

%% Start gen % acq


fprintf(tcpipObj,'ACQ:TRIG AWG_PE');
fprintf(tcpipObj,'SOUR1:TRIG:IMM');           % Set generator trigger to immediately

%% Wait for trigger
  while 1
    if strcmp('TD',trig_rsp(1:2))

%% Read & plot

signal_str=query(tcpipObj,'ACQ:SOUR1:DATA?'); % prendo i dati da source 1


hold on
grid on

%% Close connection with Red Pitaya
Thank you!

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