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Connecting to hidden WiFi and using on several WiFi networks

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:45 pm
by LY1XO

It could be answered, but I can't find the topic.
I've got my STEMlab 125-14 Diagnostic Kit yesterday and want to explore it much, but first of all I have two questions.

1. Is it possible to connect RedPitaya to a hidden wifi network? Using Network Manager it shows only visible WiFi networks, and shows some networks without SSID. If I enter my SSID and password it doesn't connect. If I make my SSID broadcast, then Network manager shows my network and I am able to connect to that network.
Also I've tried to enter settings directly to wpa_supplicant.conf. But after that Network manager shows that WiFi dongle is not plugged in.

2. RedPitaya is very useful if I want to bring it everywhere I want. But in different places there could be different WiFi networks in use, so is it possible RedPitaya to remember every WiFi network I connect and automatically connect to one of them which is reachable at the place?

Thank you.

Re: Connecting to hidden WiFi and using on several WiFi netw

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:25 pm
by LY1XO
Found solution by my self.
Just need to edit wpa_supplicant.conf file on FAT partition of SD card. You must first mount that partition as rewritable or simply access it on your PC through card reader. In this file you must make several network sections for every WiFi network. And use scan_ssid=1 parameter for every hidden WiFi network .