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compilation of a project

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:18 pm
by juanperengüez
hi! i am new in manipulate the redpitaya and i need your help

i downland the version vivado 2016.4 and i did the gitclone for later compile a code, first I write the line $ source and there isn't a proble but when i write $make NAME=led_brlinker there is a error
" make: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 'tmp/ledblinker.xpr', necesario para 'tmp/led_blinker.hwdef'. Alto. "

Re: compilation of a project

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:44 pm
by pavel
Not really an answer to your question but a couple of suggestions...

Looks like there is another lago_ecosystem repository with more activity than the repository that you're using. Here is a link to this repository:

Maybe the Make scripts in this repository work better.

Otherwise, I think that you'll get an answer to your question faster if you directly contact the author of the lago_ecosystem project via the GitHub issue system: