Routing analog input from XADC

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Routing analog input from XADC

Post by piccia » Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:20 pm

Hello everyone,
I am trying to take one of the digitalized analog input (from E2) from the XADC to another module of the FPGA without passing trough the CPU/Registers.
Since I am modifing an already set project I can't touch the setups of the XADC and I must use it with independent ADC channels and continuous mode. The AXI4Stream is enabled.
I tried to debug the Vaux0~9 signals (I suppose that the analog signals come through them) but with no success. I saw that the eoc_out and channel_out signals work well, but the m_axis_tdata is always 0.
I tried to set m_axis_tready to both 0 and 1 with a constant IP, but maybe it should be clocked.
Any suggestion on how to read the digitalized analog inputs from the XADC module? If you need more specs please don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your time,


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