The Debian project has recently released a new stable version of its GNU/Linux distribution, Debian 8 Jessie.
One of the nice things about the Debian GNU/Linux distribution is that it supports many different CPU architectures including ARM EABI (armel) and ARM with hardware FPU (armhf).
The Red Pitaya web server and the Red Pitaya SDK are by default built for the ARM EABI (armel) architecture.
I've put together a bootable SD card image for the Red Pitaya board containing the following:
- Linux 3.18.0-xilinx
- Debian 8.0 (armel)
- Development tools (GCC 4.9.2, make)
- Wi-Fi drivers for MediaTek/Ralink and Realtek chipsets
- Wi-Fi access point
- Red Pitaya SDK (rp.h,
- Red Pitaya command-line tools (acquire, calib, generate, monitor)
- Red Pitaya web server
- Red Pitaya contributed apps
For example, here are the commands to compile all the SDK examples:
Code: Select all
cp -a /opt/examples .
cd examples
For example, here are the commands to install the XFCE desktop environment and to export it via VNC.
Code: Select all
apt-get install xfonts-base tightvncserver xfce4-panel xfce4-session xfwm4 xfdesktop4 xfce4-terminal thunar gnome-icon-theme
vncserver -geometry 1200x700 ...
To write this image to an SD card, the dd command-line utility can be used on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X or Win32 Disk Imager can be used on MS Windows.
The default password for the root account is changeme.
More instructions on how to write an SD card image to an SD card can be found on the following Raspberry Pi wiki page:
To use the full size of a SD card, the SD card partitions should be resized with the following commands:
Code: Select all
# delete second partition
echo -e "d\n2\nw" | fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
# recreate partition
parted -s /dev/mmcblk0 mkpart primary ext4 16MB 100%
# resize partition
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2