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UART Constraint file.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:27 am
by parveen1
From where i can get full master constraint file for RedPitaya. I need to assign pin for the communication through UART.

Thanks for the help.

Re: UART Constraint file.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:12 pm
by amike88
If you are talking about PL pins (FPGA pins on the znyq), then you'll find the constraints in the pga/sdc/ folder in the red_pitaya.xdc file.

If you are trying to to modify the PS pins, this pins are fixed, however there are some limited options of selection through vivado. To open vivado go to the fpga/ folder and run $ make project , make sure that PRJ in the Makefile is selected properly (classic, logic,...). This will generate the project for vivado and open it. On how to modify take a look here.